全国服务热线: 15821196730


发布时间:2023-12-15        浏览次数:6        返回列表
前言:变频器 S7-200,S7-300,S7-1500 ET200S 触摸屏 PLC 电线电缆 模块代理商


SICAM FCG - Gateway for short circuit indicators

Description - SICAM FCG

Gateway for short circuit indicators

The SICAM Fault Collector Gateway (FCG) device receives both the load current values and distribution line faults via the SICAM Fault Sensor Indicator (FSI). The received information status and events are transmitted to the control center based on the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol or to the Siemens FLiC service using the XMPP protocol. The fault detected by SICAM FSI is communicated to SICAM FCG via short-range radio (SRR) communication within a distance of 100 meters. SICAM FCG provides 6 binary inputs and 3 binary outputs. SICAM FCG can be configured and diagnosed locally using the Web GUI by connecting to a PC or laptop computer or remotely via General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). The SICAM FCG has a plastic housing and it is strongly recommended to mount it within a metal cabinet for additional protection. The bal System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and short-range radio antenna are mounted outside the metallic cabinet. SICAM FSI firmware and parameters can be updated from the SICAM FCG. SICAM FCG Web GUI allows you to configure the parameters, display error and event log, upgrade of firmware, and download the configuration.

Product homepage - downloads in the internet (catalogs, certificates, firmware, manuals):



High availability - reduced downtime

Quick fault detection – exact fault localization and information to maintenance teams

  • 地址:上海市松江区车安路208号
  • 手机:15821196730
  • 联系人:葛辰